Saturday, May 1, 2010

2010 studio reel

For those who didn't make the jump to our site, this is our 2010 studio reel. Check it out if you haven't yet!


  1. I think it's amazing to see all of these in a Demo Reel- you guys' animations are so vivid and smooth, what's not to like?
    It's funny, though, all of the films that was in the reel, I've wanted to see; I had no IDEA it was the same team that worked on all of them. I really hope I can catch some sort of release or showing of them at some point :)

    and again, I must say that this reel is fabulous, and very much so delicious eye candy

  2. You guys are my heroes, seriously AMAZING work... are any of these available to see other than Nocturna????

  3. That is such an impressive reel!! BRAVO guys!! seriosuly, some incredibly inspiring stuff :)

  4. Fantastic designs--great character! Such wonderful moments too.

  5. L'un des trucs les plus dingues et des plus beau que j'ai vu de toute ma vie....

  6. ¡Simplemente increíble! No puedo esperar a ver su película terminada.

  7. Fantastic stuff you guys!! Nocturna was great... I can't wait to see the rest of these films!

  8. This reel is proof there is no limit to what can be achieved in animation. Very inspiring and I can't wait to see what more you guys have up your sleeve.


  9. fantastic work... I love the style you guys are producing. Ive seen Nocturna, I want to see more of your stuff!

  10. Beautiful work, flawless!!! Very inspiring.


    ¡Qué ganas de verlo en pantalla grande!


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This is ridiculously good. I want to watch every single minute again. Please let us know when these become available (in any way) to watch

  14. Amazing Reel!! I would love to work with you guys someday!Best wishes from Brazil!

  15. Hey guys! Nice work - I saw a few clips form Nocturna a while back. Love your characters and the animation is brilliant!

  16. Your work is simply beautiful! Please let me know when and how I can watch and support your amazing animation!

  17. Amazing Stuff there a facebook or twitter to follow what u guys are doing?

  18. increible toda vuestra animación, buena en todo! caracter timing incluso dirección de arte! felicidades desde elenigmadelafruta!
    keep working! o como se dice en catalán: esto esta para alquilar sillas!

  19. Some of the nicest stuff I've seen in a good while. Nice work guys.

  20. So incredibly mind blowingly awesome!! What I wouldn't do to get my hands on everyone of those films!!

  21. You guys Rock!
    what a treat!

  22. Que lindo ver artistas juntandose pere armar estudios de animacion! Quiero hacer lo mismo aqui en Toronto!

    Me gusta mucho tus dibujos. Que les valla bien!


  23. Amazing work! Great designs, fun and appealing movement. Top to bottom fantastic .

  24. exellente!! estoy muy inspirado al ver tanto talento en un lugar!! saludos ! amazing!!

  25. Love it!!
    What is that song, please?

  26. When I've seen Nocturna - it was love from the first sight! I've been sharing this animation with all my friends with joy and enthusiasm. So you should know you have a big fan-club in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.
    Your work is full of passion and it’s contagious.
    Thank you and we hold our fingers crossed for your next animation release.

  27. Fantastic stuff guys!!!!!!! I really hope to be able to work with you one day! LOVE IT!!!

  28. This looks absolutely brilliant. I cannot wait for the headless father project to be completed. There is no much imagination and vision here that I was completely staggered watching it. Also, I could not believe it was only two minutes.

  29. Amazing work guys! Very inspiring. When do we get to see "The strange case of Dad's missing head"? I haven't seen anything about it, looking around on google.

  30. What a fantastic showreel. So exciting and inspiring. The designs are amazing and the animation is outstanding...... So glad to have found the reel....yeahy!
    Keep up the amazing work and really looking forward to seeing more on "No Pets Allowed". The designs look incredible.

  31. Olá, sou animador e consumista de animação, aqui no Brasil! A tempos que venho ficando insatisfeito com o rumo que a linguagem "animação" tem tomado. PARABÉNS pelo belíssimo trabalho de vocês. Vocês estão seguindo adiante com o desenvolvimento da linguagem!!! Eu fico inquieto, motivado e ao mesmo tempo um pouco deprimido pela qualidade de vocês! Fantástico! Que vocês dominem o mundo! Abraços de um fã !!!!

  32. Todo precioso, enhorabuena! Espero q consigais sacar todos los proyectos, os lo mereceis.

    Un saludo.
